Monday, October 9, 2017

"Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, and the Future of Work: Myths and Facts" by Robert D. Atkinson

We are in the midst of an unprecedented 4th Industrial Revolution that according to Klaus Schwab, founder and chairman of the World Economic Forum (WEF), “will affect the very essence of our human experience.” Powered by artificial intelligence, autonomous vehicles, robots and other breakthroughs, these changes will come at us at rates that made the Industrial Revolution look like a period of stability. We are already seeing this shake the very foundations of our economies, with labor productivity growth rates skyrocketing, while rates of worker dislocation, the lion’s share powered by technology, is growing.

Editor’s note: Atkinson spoke about opportunities and challenges associated with artificial intelligence on March 23, 2017 at a conference hosted in Brussels by Bruegel, a European economic think tank specializing in economics. This essay is adapted from his remarks.

- Read the essay here:
- Watch on YouTube:

- Information Technology & Innovation Foundation:
- Bruegel:

...and the debate rages on... #AI

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

A country that majors in consumption instead of production is bound to fail...

You cannot see remarkable growth and development in a country if the leaders of that country and also a sizable percentage of it's population place little or no importance in RESEARCH, INVENTION AND INNOVATION IN SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY. It's that simple. A country that majors in consumption instead of production is bound to fail... 

1) The Nigerian government and peoples need to do more to encourage RESEARCH, INVENTION AND INNOVATION IN SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY. Inventors and innovators must be identified, rewarded and celebrated. Their products and services must see the light of day - come to full fruition and be in the hands and lives of the masses both locally and internationally.
2) Well to do Nigerians in higher numbers must step up to the plate and become "angel investors" - to invest money in the work of home-grown inventors and innovators in Science and Tech. We have these inventors and innovators all over Nigeria. 
3) Nigerians who may not consider themselves as millionaires can also assist. They can "crowdfund" an invention or innovation. Also, simple gifts of say ₦10,000 or ₦20,000 to individuals with great Science & Tech ideas can go a long way. 

I can go on and on. But will stop here for now. We need an "attitudinal change". A powerful "mind-shift" must occur... #OneLove

Monday, July 3, 2017

Create It #invent #innovate

Here's a sample video am sharing with you in line with encouraging creativity in Africa. I work as a Technology Developer with inventors and innovators to improve on their work. It's all about promoting inventions and innovations in Science and Technology in Africa. The video shows an inventor, Emeka Nelson. It shows two key inventions we are working on:
1) A generator powered by water.
2) A waste renewable system that converts non-biodegradable materials like plastics into petroleum products - fuel.

Please, share with others. And thank you!

Karo E.K.D. Akamune

"Courage is valorous, but egotism is vainglorious and suicidal."
"The pursuit of happiness is an experience of joy & satisfaction."
"There are 10 kinds of people in the world:
Those who understand binary and those who don't."

#science #technology #invent #innovate #createit

Wednesday, March 22, 2017


Our definition of a product is one that meets a tangible need and provides value to the consumer and/or the environment. Our goal is to have local solutions to local problems. We understand the lack of infrastructure and basic resources create a rather unique environment and we are facing it head on.
This is more than a MADE IN NIGERIA initiative as a billion Africans experience the same hardships and challenges. This is a grassroots move by a series of Africans from different sectors and industries to add value and change life as we know it through technology and education.
Our products, inventors and ideas are the first of so many that will transform OUR society. We are not dependent on governmental support and have chosen to forge a path of our own. There needs to be a shift in ideology and understanding. The way we think about problems needs to change.
We need to embrace our future and own the fact that we can determine it. That WE have an effect on how, what, where and when these can be solved. We can only do this through working together to find solutions and technology offers such a platform.
The mentality of defeat must be replaced with one of curiosity, we must shed the yokes of days past and approach and take on a renewed outlook because therein lies our solution.
- Signed, Karo Kanye Akamune and Stanley Ekure
A Day in the Life of a Technology Developer - ADay