Thursday, December 16, 2010

Get on da Sci-Tec Train! - The Transcript... The Videos...

The Videos...
Sci-Tec Train! - Part I
Sci-Tec Train! - Part II

The Transcript...
Hi! Thank you so much for taking out time to watch this little video, this documentary on, “The Water Bicycle”. This project has come to pass because of collaboration – joint-conscious cooperative effort on the part of different individuals. I’ve noticed something as a Technology Developer: for a technology to see the light of day, there’s gat to be a joint-conscious cooperative effort amongst the people, participants concerned. Scientists and technologists gat to work together in unity, in humility and in love.

There’s gat to be some ethical considerations being placed in the foray in order for a scientific discovery to be successful. In order for a technological breakthrough to see the light of day, to get to the hands of the end users, to add value to the lives of people, world over. So, it is very important for unity, for cooperation to really be in the forefront. It’s not enough that we have knowledge, that we have intelligence; we gat to learn to work together as a team. We gat to learn to cooperate to make things happen. These are some key lessons we can draw even from my personal experience as a Technology Developer.

Before I let you go, I will like to really say one or two things from some key observations. Earlier on, I made it clear to you that we are very passionate in seeing the actualization of the growth, development, maturation, and sustainability of Science and Technology in 3rd world countries. Looking at the Black race for example, we see wonderful contributions in the arts, also in the sciences. However, in the area of the sciences, the percentage or the number of Black people contributing immensely to the growth and development of Science and Technology has not gotten to that critical mass in my opinion, sincerely speaking. I tend to ask myself, “Why is it so?” It’s important that we look into this because the Black race makes a huge chunk of the 3rd World Emerging Economies.

“Why is it so?” I’ve lived with Black people in different parts of the world: in the Caribbean, in Europe, in North America and obviously here in Nigeria, West Africa. I’ve observed one or two things. And I think, I can say one or two things based on my observations as to why it is so. My opinions are mine, my humble opinions. However as a Black man, I think I can share my heart to my Black brothers and sisters and also to other people of other races – the Caucasians, the Yellow race, etc in a bid to see how we can really work together to see that there is a change not only for the good of Black people but also for the good of other races because really we are all in this together, we share a common humanity. We are brothers and sisters, children, under God. From my observation, I think one of the reasons why the number or percentage of Black people involved in Science and Technology has not reached the critical mass is that of unity and cooperation. Again, I want to say I speak sincerely. This is kind of a sensitive issue to some people. However, I would bear my heart out. We gat to make, we gat to forge a way forward for the good of all.

I speak sincerely, in love. “Unity, Cooperation”! – in order for 3rd World Emerging Economies in Africa to see that there is growth and development in Science and Technology, the Scientists and the Technologists and other people, other interested parties: the government, non-governmental organizations, individuals, family members, etc have to learn to work together in unity. There’s gat to be that support, that emotional, psychological support for Scientists and Technologists. That desire to give a part on the back, to cheer up a Scientist or a Technologist and to say, “Go on brother, I wish you well in your work”. Don’t say things like, “Oh, it can’t happen, we can’t do it”. Then, Scientists and Technologists in the field should stop the bickering and the fightings. Let’s work together, let’s be united, let’s be focused. “We can make it happen!”

Another key reason I think, Science and Technology is not thriving so much in 3rd world countries most especially in places dominated by our Black brothers and sisters is that, for some reason, we are not willing or we have not been able to tap into our God-given creative imagination. That desire to tap into the God-given creative imagination in order for Science and Technology to thrive is not really there or it’s there but it’s just dormant.

Like I said earlier, in the arts we’re doing well, in entertainment, “Wow, kudos” and that’s good, we should keep it up. In sports we are excelling; it’s wonderful. I mean, am proud of my Black brothers and sisters. We thank God for our lives. However, in the area of Science and Technology, we gat to be willing, desirous and keen to tap into our God-given creative imagination. We can be creative in the areas of Science and Technology. My encouragement is that we should be willing to do something consciously – to tap into it, tap into and make things happen.

Sure there’s been other forces that may have worked against Black people in the past. Some people, some parties having there own selfish interest, you know, invading our space, our land and plundering. That has also affected us adversely. That is a fact. However, I believe we can turn the tide around, we can move from where we now find ourselves – despite the odds, despite the obstacles, the persecutions, the oppressions, the enslavement, the plunderings… Despite these odds, we can shake off the dust from our bodies, as it were and seek to make progress.

We can set up workable systems and structures that would support innovations and inventions in the areas of Science and Technology. The government, our governments, various governments have their roles to play. Also, non-governmental organizations and private companies have their roles to play. And individuals have their own responsibilities. It is important that we take these things into cognizance. And if we work together as a team, tap into our God-given creative imaginations, provide the necessary enabling environment, put systems and structures in place that would ensure viable organizational structures to thrive, then we can really do so well in the area of Science and Technology and contribute to the growth and development of not only our nations [in the 3rd world] but also the world at large.

We have our quota. Are we doing much? Are we really contributing our quota to the growth and development of planet Earth for the good of all, for the good of Black people, for the good of the Asians – the Yellow race, for the good of the White people – the Caucasians, for the good of the mixed races – the half cast, quarter cast and all. For the good of all and sundry – those I’ve mentioned and those I’ve not mentioned. For the good of practically every human being on the planet. Please, let’s consider these things and let’s search our hearts and create viable path-maps to success.

I thank you so much for your time and I believe that together we will make a difference. Please, do not misunderstand anything I have said so far. I speak sincerely, in hopeful anticipation that we would be stirred up and do things for the good of all. Whatever we can do to improve our intelligence, let’s do it. What can we do to maximize the usage of our brains?

Most of us just work with 10% of our brains – not just Black people but White people also, the Yellow race also. Everybody on Earth, majority of humans living on Earth today makes use of 10% of their brains! What can we do as human beings to actually make use of the 100% of our brains? What has to be done? What do we have to do to our DNA & RNA structures? What do we have to do to our gene pool? What do we have to do to our health, to our minds, to our souls, to our bodies to see that we really maximize the brain that this God has given to us? It is important! How can we take our intelligence to the next level?

“Oh, we’ve been created; we are like this”, you may say. But what can we do, where do we go from here? I’m persuaded in my heart that God has entrusted a lot in us. There are so many giftings and abilities that have been lying dormant in the human race, in the human specie for many millennia. What do we have to do to activate these dormant traits and attributes? These are key questions we should think about. These are key questions we should ponder upon.

I believe in the plants and the herbs we have out there: there are some chemicals that can help us in some ways. We can develop some kind of recipe to help improve our intelligence. I believe that. I believe we can actually, with the power of our will, our thoughts, our words, and prayers activate the dormant genes within us. I believe that we can actually do better than we are doing today. Thank you so much for your time, and I hope I have in some ways, communicated one or two things. I wish you well. Have a good day!


NB: The above material is the official Transcript of the talk delivered by Karo E.K.D. Akamune being the, “Final Words” in the documentary on a Water or River Bicycle. One “Scientist Morison” came up with this unique concept or innovation of a water bicycle.

Karo works as a scientist and Technology Developer with 3Miracles Research Foundation, an organization passionate for the growth, development, maturation and sustainability of Science & Technology in 3rd World Emerging Economies [3WEE]. Morison is a scientist based in Delta State, Niger-Delta, Nigeria.

To obtain a copy or copies of "The Water Bicycle Documentary" (Downloadable version or DVD), please go to

Water Bicycle Interview

Saturday, December 11, 2010

A proposal to foster the growth...

‎... A proposal to foster the growth and development of Science & Technology in Nigeria... As a Technology Developer, I work eagerly for the good of Nigeria... May CHANGE come!! Amen..

We need to create Science & Technology Industries. In Nigeria, there should be an enabling environment that promotes the commercialization of Technology... Let us encourage inventions... We need sustainability...


Thursday, December 2, 2010

A young African from Malawi, William Kamkwamba builds a Windmill.

A young African from Malawi, William Kamkwamba builds a Windmill.
This inventor from Malawi built an electricity-generating windmill from spare parts, working from rough plans he found in a book in a small library near his village.

“After seeing windmills on the cover of an 8th grade science book, he set out to build his own machine using scavenged parts from a scrap yard. His first windmill was made from PVC pipe, a tractor fan, an old bicycle frame, tree branches, and produced twelve volts to power four light bulbs and charge mobile phones. A second windmill pumped water.” – TEDxTalks.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

H2O [Water] Bicycle

A Nigerian Scientist, Tony Orowho a.k.a. Scientist Morison, creates a bicycle that rides on water.

Monday, November 22, 2010

A Nigerian student, Jeffrey Etaghara, invents THE CO2 EXPELLER, a green solution to environmental degradation.

A Nigerian student, Jeffrey Etaghara, invents THE CO2 EXPELLER, a green solution to environmental degradation.

pls, take a good note of 5:32 onwards... THE CO2 EXPELLER, a green solution to environmental degradation. As a Technology Developer, i continue to advocate for a gr8 support for inventors n innovators in the 3rd world. this, 1 small global village wld b d better for it. Now, who's going to step up 2d plate n invest in Scientists like Jeffrey Etaghara, Stella Osemeke & Shaka Beatrice?

A country like Nigeria has to innovate/invent or perish... wot path r we going to choose? May Nigeria b a producing society. We r eager to see Technology Industries everywhere…

Technology Incubation Centers should b established n allowed to thrive in every city...

Orivoh Victor we had some years back and i wonder how effective they were? I think what govt need to do is create a conducive atmosphere and let the private sectors take over from there, Sorry, i dont trust govt with such projects, they will use it as an avenue to drain the economy.

Karo Kanye Akamune ‎@Victor: am looking for a way to work around govt - not even waiting for "them" to create a conducive atmosphere. how can i create 1, myself? it wld b nice for "them" to act n act well. but we have been waiting for "them" for too long... how can we work, take action steps - "govt or no govt" (w/ or w/out govt)...

i think d TICs r still there. we have one in Warri. i spent some valuable time there in '07/'08 in my bid to promoting Science n Technology... i think the Nigerian masses need to be sensitized of the gr8 need for Nigerians themselves 2b directly involved in inventions/innovation NOW... YES, we shd put pressure on d govt. we shd also put pressure on ourselves... e.g. we have rich ppl who don't know wot to do w/ their money... Let's educate dem - they can invest in research, in inventions... in TECHNOLOGY ENTREPRENEURS. Thanks, bros!

2 Nigerian students invent a generator that doesn’t use fuel...

2 Nigerian students invent a generator that doesn’t use fuel...

Excerpts: “According to them, the generator does not emit any toxic waste neither is it a threat to human health.
They said, "We used magnetic flux to generate electricity which the conventional magnet cannot. It consists of a shaf fixed with eight neodymium magnets, which rotates when an initial current is passed through the field coils. The electricity is then passed from the copper coil to a step-up transformer which steps up the power voltage from 32 volts to 200 volts to power the output of the generator."
Speaking on their motivation for the project, the 15-year-old Adebayo and Adewale who is 14 years old said the JETS club afforded them a vantage avenue to think, analyse and work on scientific research.”

Karo Kanye Akamune A testimony to d idea of getting grassroots involved in Science n Technology. i work w/ n have faith in JETS Club (JUNIOR ENGINEERS, TECHNICIANS & SCIENTISTS) in Nigerian Secondary Schools...

Lucky Okome make them no kill them oooooo because the people wey be god father for electricity no go gree .

Gaw Ako hw dat one take happen pls xplain karo

Karo Kanye Akamune these so-called "electricity godfathers"... they shd b encouraged to invest in better technologies... besides, they r not GOD ALMIGHTY. they surely can be dealt with. Nigerians must learn to be bold n fight fearlessly. no one will fight ur fight for u...

Karo Kanye Akamune ‎@Gaw: d web link of d news is on my wall...

Valentine Iriketoma ‎@Gaw, why u nor believe?

Gaw Ako i blive Val... wanted karo to shw me d link