Saturday, August 30, 2014

On Ebola Virus

#Ebola has been around for many years... Some African countries are paying dearly for not placing a high priority on research, inventions and innovations in Science & Technology. We need Local Government Chairmen, Governors, Lawmakers and Presidents who have a very clear understanding and passion for this very important department. We need "Angel Investors" who have the foresight to promote capital investments in Science & Technology. We need millionaires like M.K.O. Abiola who would give to educational institutions. We need a well-informed and sensitized general public.

Nigeria is successfully tackling the #Ebola dilemma. Great effort! Now we must invest more in research in Science and Technology. This will help us a lot in combating any future virus. This task must not be left to the govt alone. Wealthy individuals and companies must pitch in. Scientists and Technologists must be discovered, inspired and rewarded. 

No Excuse

Some people give all kinds of excuses for not being creative, inventive or innovative. "I don't have time to think; to invent or innovate. I'm struggling to make ends meet." And my reaction is, "But I thought NECESSITY is the mother of invention! You are in a, "NECESSITY STATE" - all the more reason to create, invent, innovate, "THINK DIFFERENT" and add value to lives, generate great income, etc." 

...and there are those who are not even in a dire, "NECESSITY STATE" and would not tap into their creative imagination. This, really, is what makes the difference between rich countries and poor countries. This is one of the key elements that sets countries apart - the successful ones from the failing ones…