“The most important thing in Science is
not so much to obtain new facts as to discover
new ways of thinking about them.” – Anonymous.
Our beloved State, Delta State, has so much to benefit from Science and Technology. There are lots of blessings, hidden blessings, and obvious, open blessings to be generated from the growth, development, maturation and sustainability of Science and Technology. Numerous ideas and ideals can be unveiled in the process. Every government parastatal, each arm of government stands to gain. Every fabric of our society, all strata of the motherland can profit. Countless possibilities – good possibilities can accrue as a result.
The time, the era, the epoch is imminent. The time is ripe for Delta State to play her role as a standard bearer in the stage of Nigeria’s burgeoning development – her role as torchlight in Nigeria’s renewal and renaissance and by extension, planet Earth’s scientific and technological evolution.
We – the collective “we” that make up this noble State has what it takes to advance, to make progress. The collective, kaleidoscope-we, surely can put heads together, rub minds together. The multicultural, multi-ethnic “we”, can cooperate to ensure the existence of systems and structures that are much needed for Science & Technology to be birthed, groomed and to thrive. We can tap into our God-given creative imagination to think, be innovative, to come up with scientific and technological breakthroughs that would provide answers to our varied problems, problems that hinder or prevent us from enjoying quality lifestyles. These would be answers that would help take care of social, economic, and educational problems that are unique to The Niger-Delta and Nigeria. And other countries can learn from these solutions and adapt or adjust them to meet their own unique needs.
This Ministry of Science & Technology is one that would or should evolve to be self-sustaining, even wealth-generating for the State. This ministry should also partner with other existing governmental ministries and non-governmental organizations both at home and abroad.
It is my most sincere wish and desire to see that the Ministry of Science & Technology is fostered – made to thrive, to shine and to mature. This ministry can be organized, administered and run in a unique way that Deltans would be stimulated to grow psychologically and intellectually. This growth would augment the capacity of the so-called “ordinary man” to address and meet his material needs.
The work of this ministry would contribute to supporting and promoting the much-needed civilizational, social and individual personality growth of people in our many communities. There would be a direct, concerted approach to converting the plenteous natural resources into goods and services. Goods and services that are of lasting value, poverty alleviating, health promoting, pleasure-leisure enhancing, mind stimulating and even soul satisfying.
Together as a people, the privilege is ours to usher in the dawn of a new era. An era where there are viable systems and structures in place to promote the maturation and development of our motherland. In this day, we uphold the principles and purposes of sustainability. Yes, not only growth and development but also sustainability – sustainability and continuity. With commitment and as a people under God, these ideas and ideals are doable.
The process would take years, even decades. And it is noteworthy to say that we have begun to take our first steps, even baby steps. We have begun to lay a solid foundation for work and service. Delta State has begun to build.
Let us now look at some key strategies, postures and methods our Science & Technology ministry can utilize to campaign for and actualize Creativity, Scientific Research, and Technological breakthroughs:
(a) Mass Media: Radio and Television Programs and the World Wide Web.
This would involve discussions, pep talks, speeches, inspirational talks and lectures designed to motivate, inspire and encourage the citizenry, the collective “we”, “we the people” on the need to utilize Science and Technology as key tools to prosperity, growth and sustainable development. The ministry would work to assist people to grasp “the hows and whys” of Science and Technology.
In as much as different professionals and intellectuals may grace these programs, the person of the honorable commissioner would play a prominent and direct role in addressing, talking to and with the populace. He should be one, who embodies the vision, and who can clearly articulate the vision, the goals, achievements, successes, challenges and failures of the ministry. Herein are the true potentials for wisdom and growth.
There has to be a change in the mentality of the masses towards local development of Science & Technology. Our people need to be educated on the “hows” of societal evolution, growth, development, maturation and sustainability; and the role Science & Technology plays here. The power of the media would be harnessed in a bid to actualize this attitudinal change, this mental change, and this value-shift…
The TV broadcasts can start off as a 1 or 2 hour program (weekly). With time, the ministry would secure her own round-the-clock, 24-7 TV Channel. This may become a reality after a 5 or 10-year period.
Its web presence is another tool through which the ministry can educate, inform, and encourage learners and knowledge seekers – to tap into their creative imagination for the purpose of coming up with great technologies, new and better answers to problems; unique scientific and technological solutions to various needs. The website can have links to useful learning resources around the world.
(b) Competitions: The organization of a yearly competition.
The purpose is to help bring out the technologist, the scientist, in people. Prizes would be given out to individuals who have created outstanding technological and scientific inventions. Educational scholarships may also be awarded.
The ministry’s service can also be jeered towards assisting these awarded inventors to secure investments from individuals and big businesses. If the thing invented is to contribute meaningfully to the lives of many, then perforce its mass production is imperative. There would have to be a way of making it available to many, many others. And many times, this involves money. Our people would be encouraged to, “engage themselves” by investing their finances in promising Science and Technology companies. Otherwise, we would always be backward, never really making quality progress.
The ministry may also invest in some of these projects, thereby creating an opportunity for its own revenue generation.
(c) Science Labs: In a bid to promoting the growth, development, maturation and sustainability of Science & Technology, the Ministry of Science & Technology would seek to work in partnership with the Ministry of Education to ensure that each Government Primary and Secondary School and Tertiary Institution in the State have a well-equipped Computer Science Laboratory [Lab]. This can be done through public-private partnership.
Each lab would be equipped with 40 – 50 computers (Personal Computers – PCs), an all-in-one printer (working as a printer, a scanner, and a photocopier), a projector, and a blackboard (or preferably a whiteboard).
One or two “Lab Technicians” – To manage each Computer Lab. These are Lab Technicians who are proficient in PC Troubleshooting, Computer Literacy, Computer Networking, amongst others.
There would be a concerted effort towards a target of installing Internet Connectivity in these schools. The ministry would begin by seeking to establish a laid-down framework for the actualization of High-Speed Internet Connectivity in all Government Schools, statewide.
Each Primary School would have a well-equipped Integrated Science Lab with a dedicated Lab Technician.
Each Secondary School would have well-equipped Physics, Chemistry & Biology Labs with a dedicated Lab Technician (for each Lab).
(d) Technology Incubation Centers: Begin with a pilot program of five (5) centers in five (5) different cities of the State. The goal is to have one (1) Technology Incubation Center in each Local Government Area. Each Center would be used to discover and support Deltans with Technological and Scientific ideas. Office spaces, workshops and/or labs would be allocated to those who are working on inventions or innovations. Each Center would be adequately staffed with professionals skilled in Team-work Dynamics, Business Development, Sales & Marketing, Patent Acquisition, Patent Protection, Technology Development, Research and Development (R & D), Research Methods, Development of Small, Medium and Large Scale Enterprises, Capital (Investment) Acquisition, and Financial Intelligence. These professionals would work with the Inventors/Innovators to ensure that the thing invented is properly assembled and mass produced for the benefit of society – both local and international. Technology Incubation Centers play a pivotal role in enabling new entrepreneurs to have a strong footing to set up their own successful small businesses. These small businesses can grow to become big companies – major players in the global arena. We need homegrown Science and Technology companies. Very, very vital!
(e) Universal High-Speed Internet Service: This is a unique thrust that brings the Internet to the people in the comfort of their schools, offices and homes at reduced, affordable prices. Let us be the Pacesetter State in this Information Age! Another key function of the Delta State Ministry of Science & Technology would be to create a Statewide Broadband Plan. Universal High-Speed Internet Service is very, very important for the development of the Government and peoples of Delta State. It would boost or greatly enhance e-Government, Education, Health, Information Technology, Small Businesses, Job Creation, etc, etc. Practically every area of life would benefit greatly. A State whose citizenry have affordable, round-the-clock High-Speed Internet Service would have a strategic competitive advantage over and beyond States and Countries who do not. We live in a changing world. With a Satellite launched into space, we, Deltans can easily achieve this noble cause. A space Satellite Technology for Statewide High-Speed Broadband Internet access is strongly encouraged and highly recommended. The State can generate revenue from it by having her populace subscribe for service. It may be fully run by the State or deployed through a Public-Private Partnership Program.
(f) Seminars: This involves:
Organizing physical, on-site seminars and conferences in key strategic cities all over the State. These seminars would seek to promote the noble and note-worthy aims and objectives of the ministry. The seminars would be charged with good discussions on Innovations and Inventions in Science and Technology; promoting a Technology culture; building successful and sustainable companies; job creation; etc.
These seminars would be with:
¨ People at the grassroots level – secondary school students e.g. Junior Engineers, Technicians and Scientists [JETS] clubs.
¨ Intellectuals, academics, professors and students at the higher education levels e.g. Colleges of Education, Polytechnics, and Universities.
¨ The general public, where all are invited.
(g) International Business: This involves:
Working with other countries and partnering with companies, both local and foreign. A major thrust here is to share suggestions and ideas and to encourage foreign investors, businesses and research institutes to come find a home in Delta State.
Fostering an enabling and an enduring environment for foreigners. They are given incentives to come to the State to establish manufacturing companies. Here, we see an environment that suits and sustains the creation of ideas, the testing of findings and the mass production of goods and services that enhance the “common good”.
(h) Continued Matters Arising: Some examples of areas of research, work and service that can take root in our State, Delta State include but not limited to:
Solar Energy.
Space Technology.
Computer Technology, Information Technology.
Agricultural Resources.
Mineral Resources – to foster the development of oil and non-oil mineral industries.
Marine and land plants/herbs in a bid to promoting “a healthy State”. Here, we find answers to many sicknesses and diseases. We have an existing “African Traditional Medicine”. How do we harness the huge potentials in this non-western practice? How do we improve or develop this existing culture? How do we professionally mass-produce, package, and present the various treatments/cures to benefit the greatest number? How do we wisely combine African Traditional Medicine with Western Medicine? How do we take this practice to the next and higher levels? These questions and more needs to be tackled.
It is important to understand that for “the big heart” to shine and thrive, human beings who are committed to using their God-given, inherent creative imagination must serve her. And when we couple our human resources with our natural resources, there is no telling what can be achieved.
The fostering of our unique and distinct Ministry of Science and Technology is posed and poised to augment the success of our democracy. We are talking of a ministry that ventures into the knowable unknowns and reaps dividends of peace, growth, development, maturation and sustainability. Given to us is the power to support, to promote, the utilization of capital – human capital and natural capital (human and natural resources). This CAPITAL can yield DIVIDENDS - great dividends that would bring joy to our people and put a smile on the face of our Creator, Father God.
I thank all for the opportunity granted me to make this (my) presentation. It is a thing of joy to know that together, we can join hearts and hands to make our society a better world to live in. Once again, I say, “Thanks”. I do congratulate all in advance, in hopeful anticipation of the success of our State!
Karo E.K.D. Akamune.
CEO, A Day In The Life Of A Technology Developer
akamune49@gmail.com, reach@3mrf.com
“As long as you’re going to think, think BIG.” – Nido Qubein.
© Copyright Since 2007 Karo E.K.D. Akamune USA All rights reserved. No part of this material
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without prior written permission from the author, except in the case of brief
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